Presentation of cheque to Velindre Hospital

On Thursday, 14th July, the Festival Committee met to review the May 2016 Festival.  The Festival, which had had Roald Dahl as the underlying theme and was run in support of Velindre Hospital, was thought to have gone really well.  Two new events – the Vintage Afternoon Tea Party, organised by Karen Wright, and the Open Gardens Sunday, organised by Gill Evans – had been a tremendous success and it was hoped that they will be repeated in future years.

David Cargill, Chair of the Festival Committee, thanked everyone for their hard work and noted that next year would mark the 30th anniversary of the May festival.  A challenge indeed!

During the proceedings, David Cargill and David Silver (Chair of the Radyr & Morganstown Association) presented Professor Rosemary Kennedy (Chair of the Velindre NHS Trust) with a cheque for £11,000.  This represented the total amount raised by the R&M Community for Velindre over the past year.  Professor Kennedy thanked the Association and the Community of Radyr & Morganstown for supporting the work of Velindre and ensured the money would be put to very good use.

At the end of the proceedings, Aled Treharne, local leader for St John’s Cymru, introduced himself and his organisation and said how delighted and honoured he was that St John’s Cymru had been selected as the Association’s Charity for the coming year.   He looked forward to working with the team.