Radyr Methodist Church

Welcome to the online home for Radyr Methodist Church.

As Covid Restrictions are changing so is the format of our Worship. We are now able to meet in a blended way with some in the building whilst others join online. For details of how to join online please get in touch with Rev. Judith Holliman

Radyr Methodist Church’s primary focus is to be a church. This means we exist to provide fellowship for our members as we live and grow in our faith together. We have a really open and friendly membership with a lot of different opportunities for meeting and sharing. We also are blessed with a well maintained space for worship and meetings. We are currently running a Warm Space on a Monday morning, a Bible Study on a Monday afternoon, Coffee fellowship in the local restaurant on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, an art group fortnightly, a mums and tots group on a Friday and several Bible studies/prayer groups. We have weekly prayer walks and our Pioneer Minister works alongside us to be active within our local community. We have an Outdoor Forest Church for young people and a Church Plant called Awayforrest that meets outside on a Sunday morning. We are fortunate that our building and car park also enable us to provide some community space at reasonable cost for local community groups. This is done with an understanding of goodwill on both sides. This church is run and managed by volunteers and we value and appreciate their time and efforts.

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Find out more

  • Services

    We are currently meeting in a blended way – on-site and online via Zoom.

    Sunday Services are normally at 10:30am

  • Bible Study

    Our bible study groups aim to look deeper into the word of God in an atmosphere of mutual support whilst the groups care for one another.

    Currently meeting on a Wednesday evening at 6pm via Zoom. Link available from Rev. Judith.

  • Donate

    Please consider giving to help sustain the work of Radyr Methodist Church.


Green / Eco fair and free Plant swap

Radyr Methodist church has been working hard to improve our care for the natural world and environment with use of Fair trade and eco-friendly products, reusing, recycling and recent improvements in our heating, lighting and insulation of our premises. We have achieved an A Rocha Eco-church Bronze Award, but there is so much more we can learn and do as a church, as individuals and as part of our growing community.

New year, same focus

It may be a new year but Radyr Methodist Church continues its focus on being church. To try and explain this better we have made the following statement on who we are and what we do.

Warm Welcome Space

We are pleased to have recieved a grant which will help us to open as a “Warm Welcome Space”. Church will open each Monday, 10.30 to 12.30 starting from Monday 2 January 2023. There will be hot drinks, toast and most importantly somewhere warm to come. Come and be quiet or come and talk over […]

Nativity at the Amelia Trust Farm

Thank you so much to everyone who came to the Live Nativity, special thanks to Morgan from the Amelia Trust Farm and Arthur the donkey.

Collection for Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff Foodbank

Members of Radyr Methodist Church are collecting donations for the Foodbank again in June. See where you can drop your donations.


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For the regulars

  • Read the church notices

    Catch up on what is happening week by week in our Church Notices – or get them e-mailed to you each week.


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